At Crossroads we strive to be Real, Relational, and Relevant!

REAL: We are the most real when we allow WHAT WE BELIEVE to directly impact HOW WE LIVE. In other words, our beliefs should transform our behavior.

RELATIONAL: We are the most relational when we LOVE GOD SUPREMELY and LOVE OTHERS SACRIFICIALLY. This connects us with God and others in life-changing relationships!

RELEVANT: We are the most relevant when we proclaim the TIMELESS TRUTHS OF GOD’S WORD under the INSPIRATION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT for an ETERNAL IMPACT ACROSS THE GLOBE. As the never changing truth of God’s word is clearly and compassionately proclaimed, those who are searching for hope and purpose will be pointed to Christ!


  • God is perfect in every way… we are far from perfect.
  • God is bigger…and better…and closer than we could ever imagine.
  • Our sin causes us to hide from God…His love for us causes Him to seek us out.
  • Jesus is God, our Savior… sent by God to rescue us from our sin.
  • Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection made possible our salvation.
  • God’s Spirit lives in and works through all authentic Christians.
  • The Bible is trustworthy and true…revealing Christ to be the Savior of the world.
  • Nothing in all creation “just happened.” God made it all!
  • It is only by God’s grace that we can enjoy a relationship with God.
  • Faith begins with God’s revelation. It is is an obedient response to God’s revelation.
  • Faith is required to live a life that is pleasing to God.
  • God brings good out of evil for those who choose Him.
  • Believers have an enemy, Satan, who seeks to disrupt and destroy all that God is doing…he will ultimately fail.
  • This life is not all there is… Heaven and Hell are real places.
  • Death is not the end… it is the doorway to eternity.
  • The Church is not a building… it’s a Body of believers who are called to love and serve others the way Jesus did.
  • Believers should be committed to other believers through the local church where they can love and be loved, serve and be served, encourage and be encouraged, and grow and help others to grow.
  • Jesus is coming again soon… we need to be ready and watchful while helping others to do the same.