The staff and leadership here at Crossroads is comprised of men and women who love, care and pray for our church body. If you have any questions for any of our staff, feel free to reach out and email them or call our church office to speak with them. You can contact the church office by clicking below or calling us.




"Thirty years ago you would have never been able to convince me that I would be doing what I am today. I was the guy in the back of the room content to watch the leaders lead. Well, God has a sense of humor, and to prove it he called me, the most unlikely guy, to lead a group of His people."

"For more than twenty years, He has allowed me to serve Him at a place called Crossroads. What makes this church incredible is not the pastor or the preaching, but the people who have had their lives transformed by the power of God. The people of Crossroads are the most loving, caring, and sincere people you will ever meet. They have a way of making me look better than I really am!"



"Another sinner being saved by grace. God has graciously revealed to me that He is the treasure of all life and that the greatest joy is found in Jesus and allowing him to be Lord of every part of life. I seek for everyone to have a daily encounter with Jesus in word and deed either by being served and loved by God through people who know God's love or through having a deep, personal, intimate relationship with God through Jesus."

Dalton is the associate pastor at Crossroads as well as the youth pastor. His roles at Crossroads include leading our student and young adult ministry, making disciples, preaching on Sunday mornings, and learning the basics of pastoral ministry under Rob.



Nate has been a lifelong member at Crossroads and now serves as our assistant youth pastor. Throughout the years, Nate has developed an interest in youth ministry and is serving in this position to continue to gain experience that will aid him in his future ministry. 

Nate is the head boys' coach at Vinton Middle School. He views his work as a ministry field and uses his platform to help students navigate life in a way that honors the Lord.



"Ministry has always been a large part of my life. However, it wasn't until God showed me the immense grace that I've been given through Christ that I became truly passionate about being involved in ministry myself. It is my hope that through serving at Crossroads, I can be His hands and feet, showing others how much they are loved by their Creator."


Rebecca is a fourth grade teacher at Little Cypress Intermediate in Orange, TX. She leads music at Crossroads and takes care of all things in the media world. She also serves as our Children's Director and organizes many of our outreach events.



Janet serves as our Church Secretary, but the truth is her ministry extends far beyond that role. She is the one who keeps the wheels turning around this place. She is the behind-the-scene servant leader who has the gifts of organization and administration. Beyond her staff responsibilities, she serves in many other capacities throughout the church.